How to Play

What is 4d? 4D is the short form of 4Digit. You are able to bet on any 4 digit number ranging from 0000 to 9999. The minimum bet is $1. A total of 23 set of numbers will be drawn on each draw, across 5 categories, namely :

1. 1st Prize
2. 2nd Prize
3. 3rd Prize
4. Starter Prize
5. Consolation Prize

Only 1 set of number will be drawn for the first 3 prizes and 10 set of numbers for both Starter and Consolation prize.

Bet Type
There are 5 different types of bet type, which is as follow :

Ordinary Entry
No permutation. Just bet on that particular set of number. Eg. 6883. You win the prize only when the number you bet on opens
System Entry :
Bet on all possible permutation of that particular set of number. E.g. 6883,6838,6388,3688,8636....
iBet :
Bet on all possible permutation and the minimum bet is only $1
4D Roll :
"R" represent any numbers from 0 to 9. E.g if you buy 688R and it opens either 6881or 6882 or 6883, you will still win the prize
Quick Pick :
You are betting on the numbers randomly selected by the computer at the 4d counter

By placing the minimum bet of only $1, amount of money win each of the categories are as shown below

Category Big Bet Small Bet
1st Prize $2000 $3000
2nd Prize $1000 $2000
3rd Prize $500 $1000
Starter $250 -
Consolation $65 -

E.g. if you buy 6883 ($1 big bet, $1 small bet, total spent $2) and it opens 1st prize that week, your total winning will be $5000

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