Saturday, 6 October 2012

4D Result for 3rd Oct 2012

4D Prediction for Oct 2012

Dear All,

Here is the prediction for Oct 2012. Hope that we can have a better luck this month.

Sgpool : 4507
Magnum : 9386

Good Luck

4D Result for 30th Sept 2012

4D Result for 29th Sept 2012

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Friday, 7 September 2012

Soccer Prediction Service

We will be rolling out our soccer prediction service. As EPL (English Premier League) is one of the most watchable league in both Singapore and Malaysia, we will focus our attention on predicting the outcome of EPL.

We will also be predicting the outcome of other leagues. But like what had mentioned above, the main focus is still on EPL

Unlike our 4D prediction, this is not a free service. There will be a SGD9.99 monthly subscription fees involve.

Instruction on subscribing :

1. Fill in your email address and click on the [Subscribe] button at the side of our blog.
2. We will be sending you a payment instruction once you had confirm of joining.
3. We will be sending an email to you for verification on whether you still want to continue on subscribing at every last week of the month.
4. Should you still want to continue, you will need to pay the monthly fees again
5. Should you decide to dis-continue, you can just ignore the email and stop paying.
6. All tips will be sending via the email that you provide to us.

Good Luck!

4D Result for 5th Sep 2012

4D Result for 4th Sep 2012 (Magnum Only)

Saturday, 1 September 2012

4D Prediction for Sep 2012

Dear All,

Welcome to our 4D prediction. We have a lucky week last month where our predicted number (0237) was opened for 4 times, twice at Magnum, twice at SgPools. We hope that we can continue the good luck this month.

The prediction for this month is as follow

SgPool : 4508
Magnum : 1358

Good Luck to All of You!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

4D Result for 29th Aug 2012

4D Result for 26th Aug 2012

It must be our lucky months. The predicted number 0237 was opened again in today's Singapore Pools starter prize (actual number opened 7032).
We would like to congrats all those who bought this number again. 

4D Result for 25th Aug 2012

4D Result for 22nd Aug 2012

YES!! Our predicted number 0237 was opened again. This time in starter prize of SgPools draw. Congrats to our brothers who had been following this number. Congrats!!!

4D Result for 19th Aug 2012

Congrats to all that our Aug predicted number 0273 opened again in today's Magnum draw
(Number Opened 3702). Congrats all who bought the number again and again.!!

4D Result for 18th Aug 2012

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

4D Result for 15th Aug 2012

4D Result for 12th Aug 2012

Congrats to our readers again as the number we predicted 0237 was opened on today's Magnum draw consolation prize (7203).

Hope that more good luck is coming to us. HUAT AH!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

4D Result for 8th Aug 2012

4D Result for 5th Aug 2012

Congrats to all who bought both side of our predicted number.

The number we predicted 0237 (For SgPool) was opened in today's Magnum Draw (3207)

Once again congrats!